Grew up in the south western part of Switzerland, in the Valais Mountains, I was always fascinated by dance. Throughout my journey, I have found my artistic voice, how to express myself through movement and let art influence the way I want to tell my story.

Dance with me.

  • If you want to shake a leg with me and get into foundations and choreography.

    *40 CHF/h

  • If you want to deep dive into a piece, project or dance visual and simultaneously would like to learn how I approach my art.

    *100 CHF/h

  • If you have an upcoming piece, showcase or project and you need an experienced eye and a little extra magic on the creative process. Also, I help you with funding, pitching, finance, marketing & dance management.

    *CHF 120/h


  • I had the chance to develop my personal skills and growth through different stages in my life, but the most fruitful were the ones that I made 2019 and 2020 in New York City at Broadway Dance Center, where I trained with Keenan Cooks, Neil Schwartz, Carlos Neto, Ashlé Dawson, David Thomas, Hayden Frederick and Emily Greenwell. During the pandemic in 2020 and 2021, I had the chance to participate in different online programs and was accepted to train with Mecnun Giasar, Shay Latukolan and my mentor, Senna Amarnis (My Caviar). During 2022, I was member of Diana Matos program Motus.

    One of my career highlights was to perform at one of Switzerlands finest rock festivals at the Open-Air Gampel. Alongside the local hip-hop artist Bzar and my former dance crew Projet Dix, I had the chance to perform a whole show during Bzar’s 2013 promo tour for his new album “Bis hie bisch cho”. We performed as well in Lax in Switzerland one year later.

    In 2022, I decided to start working in the industry, train alongside creative minds from Barcelona and Switzerland and get my dance skills to the next level. In Barcelona, I had the chance to train with Albert Sala, well-known for his artistic work for “Euphoria” in Catalan television.

    At the moment, I am training under the direction of Muhammed Kaltuk and with inspiring artists from the community within “common ground”, a program from company mek to bring hip hop culture closer into theater surroundings.

  • Senna Amarnis, Neil Schwartz, Carlos Neto and Earle Garnette.

  • In May 2023, I had the chance to participate at a dancer, choreographer and producer at Tanzfest Brig’s Bühnennacht with an international cast from Switzerland, Finland, Sweden and Cyprus. “Contaminated” is a movement project to raise awareness against mental abuse.

    During summer 2023, I was able to perform the piece “A Seat At The Table 2.0” in Berns Rosengarten, an open-air dance show about accessibility, sharing the stage with 40 artists all across Switzerland.

    As August being one of the most important months in Switzerland in terms of festivals, I was able to share the stage with German singer & producer Peter Fox at the Open-Air Festival in Gampel on the main stage.

    At the moment, I am working on my new piece “Muted”, being premiered on March 22 and 23 2024 in Switzerland at Sosta Tanzzentrum in Leuk.

  • I am mainly trained in Hip-Hop, House, Afro, Contemporary, Ballett, Floorwork. What I really love to do is to fuse Hip-Hop grooves with Contemporary concepts and arm performance.

  • As a dancer and movement artist, I want to tell stories. Stories to raise awareness, to show how I perceive my surroundings, and to let my art speak for itself in moments when I am not capable of doing so. I love to fuse urban stiles with contemporary concepts, which allows me to stay out of my comfort zone and create different pieces each and every time. I want to dance and perform on stage, use my artistic voice to raise awareness around different topics and share knowledge with like-minded artists. I am always up for creative projects, as long as it’s different and speaks to my soul.

  • I am currently training at Tanzwerk 101 in Zurich, Tanzhaus Zurich and at Tanzwerk 3011 in Bern, Switzerland.

  • Not only I am a passionate dancer, I am also experienced with the creative direction of videos and stage productions, event management, funding and pitching, design, marketing and branding. Studied Economics in my Bachelor and IT & Digital Business in my Masters, I try to incorporate my technological background as well in my artistic concepts. I am fluent in German, Italian, French, Spanish and English and I work part-time in Cybersecurity.

  • I have amazing friends that always support me to enhance life and art to my vision. All of my photographies are shot by following artists: Olga Segura Lena Furrer Muriel Rieben Gina Roder Phil Bucher and Laura Gauch.