
The contradiction between being muted and to mute oneself.

With "Muted," I aimed to illustrate how easily we are silenced in our daily lives. I wanted to showcase what freedom of speech truly looks like in todays world lead by technology, of algorithms poisoning our eyes, thoughts and voices. We also wanted to depict the reality of how we sometimes silence ourselves. Where is the fine line between being selfish and earning what we’ve been working on for so long? When should we speak up, and how come we shut so easily the fuck up when it comes to unfairness in our systems? We speak about injustice in so many forms, hoping that our voices will never be silenced. Not through others, and surely not through our own actions. In this piece, I introduced a self written spoken word poetry written by myself, in which my cast had the opportunity to relate with the words and give their heart out on stage.

Am I living an illusion of freedom, in a system that controls my words?

Do I fight inequalities, challenge false moralities,

question norms and harmful mentalities?

Photo: Valérie Giger


To raise awareness against mental abuse and how we are dealing with our experiences was my personal goal when creating “Contaminated”. I created this piece alongside international artists from Switzerland, Sweden, Finland and Cyprus. We are all from a different backgrounds, may it be from where we grew up, our dance history, our perspectives and life experiences. I feel that we often don’t talk about how vulnerable and sensitive we can be, and when it comes to abusive behaviour through criticism, about sexuality, life choices, ethnic background or health conditions, I am shutting down. I created this piece for all people that are suffering from the inside, and even though the pain isn’t physically visible, the words on our bodies still stick.

“A Seat At The Table”

A seat at the table explains what happens when our seat at a table is denied. Marginalized communities try to get access to politics, art, economy in order to shape the future of our country. But it's anything other than easy. In a great open-air dance performance in Bern's Rosengarten alongside 40 talented dancers from Switzerland funded by the City of Berne, we are trying to address a very important yet political topic to the audience.

Concept & Choreography: Anna Chiedza Spörri &
Rena Brandenberger

Pictures: Muriel Rieben


Concept Videos